Welcome to Mumernity: an honest motherhood publication that talks about everything from postnatal mental health to sex, periods, and real mum confessions. All the topics that you didn’t learn in an antenatal class. We reach thousands of mums a week who are looking for a refreshing, honest, and no-judgment shame to motherhood. Connect via our instagram or weekly newsletter.
Want to write Mumernity?
We are always looking for strong, unfiltered viewpoints for our Real Mum Talk section. Examples that have worked really well for us are…
Why I’m dreading the return to the school run as an introverted mum.
I’m happy with one baby so stop asking if I want another one
Breastfeeding Selfies are Great But In Our Country, Women Are Set Up To Fail At It
What It’s Like to Live with PTSD After My Baby Was Born at 28 Weeks
Got a strong opinion piece about motherhood you want to share? Email us: jenna@mumernity.co.uk.
If you want to offer expert contributions/useful parenting and motherhood content, please email jenna@mumernity.co.uk. Please note we try to shy away from the usual listicles you see in parenting magazines-such as ’10 tips for bonding with your baby’ or ‘how to return to fitness after having a baby.’ Our advice articles talk about the more honest, real aspects of motherhood such as what do when your toddler bites or how to communicate with your toddler during an epic tantrum.
We don’t have a style guide but usually ask for pieces to be around 800-1000 words. For personal stories, it’s great to supply photos but it isn’t a necessity.
Do you pay your writers?
The majority of people who write for us are experts or mums who want to share their story in exchange for promoting their business. Lots of parenting publications now charge for advertorials but we don’t for small mum-run businesses. Instead, we offer opportunities for you to write for the site to promote your brand without charge; as well as sharing it across all our socials and newsletter. As a journalist myself, I know the importance of PR but also the importance of valuing writers so we do occasionally comission specific pieces from professional freelancer writers (who aren’t looking for promotion) and these are on a paid basis.
Got a story or product you think we should cover? Want help with reviews or giveaways?
Email us jenna@mumernity.co.uk with relevant press releases around motherhood and parenting. We particularly welcome press releases around postnatal mental health, working mums, and baby and toddler development. We do not cover weight-loss topics.
We interview inspirational mums for our ‘5 minutes’interview series.
We also run a ‘does it actually work?’ series and reviews section, where mums test products and give their honest verdict and these do great on google, such as: does toddler sleep tea actually work? or is it worth buying a toniebox for your two year old? If you’d like to submit a product for testing, please email jenna@mumernity.co.uk for info. We ask the item is provided to the reviewer/s free of charge.
We also run giveaways in our WIN Stuff section . For this we ask you to supply images, product description and a minimum prize value of £20. Ideally, we ask for another item to review to allow us to make sure the item we’re giving away is of good value and that our giveaways also include reviews. We run giveaways through rafflecopter and can offer different entry options, such as enter via instagram or signing up to a newsletter.
Want to learn about advertising?
Alternatively if you’re looking for specific advertising, email us on jenna@mumernity.co.uk for a copy of our media pack.